Mech Squonker Builds – Making My Own Clapton & Fused Clapton
I love squonking, and I believe I have the best list of affordable squonk mods and affordable squonk RDAs. I’ve even done an entire video on squonk bottles and my high-ends squonk mods collection if you’re interested.
I’m far from being a “squonk expert”, but the one thing about squonking that I have issues with are the coils. As you know, mechanical squonk mods are hugely popular now. Unlike a regulated mods, you need to put the right build into a mech squonker to get a good vape.
I do understand Ohms law and I have built on mech mods before, but the real challenge is building for single-coil squonk RDAs. I have used many premade Clapton wire spools from UD and Thunderhead creations. They mostly miss the mark. The resistance is either not right, or the ramp up time is too long.
Why? Because of the coil composition.
You’ll notice most of these premade Clapton spools use 24g or 26g for the core, but 32g Ni80 for the wrap. This results in a longer ramp up time and longer cool-off time. I usually end up with a hot RDA, or a lame vape.
The flavor is great right after the build, but you’ll notice a huge drop-off the next day due to gunk buildup.
When I test an RDA before reviewing it, I usually use round wire. I build in paralel 26g or 24g most of the time. I get good flavor but I know a Clapton coil would give me better flavor along with a lot more vapor.
I’ve had good experience using some premade Clapton coils by Geekvape, especially the 28g*3+40g Ni80 ones. I’ve used them in almost every single-coil mech build since, and for the price they are definitely worth it.
However, I wanted to fine tune my coils and experiment a little bit with my builds.
So recently I started making my own coils. I bought a bunch of Ni80 wire made by Kidney Puncher, and watched some tutorials to understand the logic of what gauges to select. I also used an app to calculate the resistance of my planned Clapton and Fused Claptons.

The ones above are 28g*3+38g Ni80 coils, and were the hardest to make. Working with these super-thin wires are difficult. However, I used a secret tool to make the whole process so much easier. Plus, it saved me a whole lot of time.
So now I have a bunch of coils all ready for an RDA. I have regular Claptons 24g+36g, 26g+36g. I also have some Micro Claptons 28g+38g for my flavor-chasing tanks like the Skyline and Pico that I am eager to try out.
The sky is the limit now, lol. All my coils are designed for faster ramp up time and faster cool-down time, which I think are perfect for single-coil squonk RDAs on a mechanical squonk mod.
I will be experimenting with different gauges and also making my own Alien coils next. However, since I’ve spent quite a bit on all these wires I will stick to Ni80 for now. Besides I have no idea where to get 36g – 40g Stainless Steel wire in Malaysia. Perhaps I would have to order direct from Kidney Puncher.