Geekvape Creed RTA – Replaceabe Airflow in a Tank?
So we’ve seen this before in a lot of new RDAs – replaceable airflow inserts. We’ve also seen in the Skyline and a few other tanks, although the Skyline still does it the best. This concept of replaceable airflow options makes the tank a whole lot more flexible to a wider range of vapers.

Now a single tank or RDA can be used for cloud-chasing or a more relaxed vape. The Geekvape Creed wants to cash in on this new trend.
On the outsied I have to admit it looks pretty much like the Ammit, or any other Geekvape RTA we’ve seen so far. The magic is really on the inside, with three airflow options.
Here’s what I know of so far for the Geekvape Creed RTA:
- 25mm diameter, stainless steel construction
- Velocity-style (yes) deck for dual-coil builds
- juice capacity using a “bubble” glass tank
- Top-fill with 810 size driptips
- Available in multiple colors
Although the airflow is at the bottom, it’s hard to call this a bottom-airflow tank. If you look closely at this picture, you can get a better idea of how the air will be fed in from the bottom, but eventually hits your coils from the side:
The airflow is encased by the top chimney section, so there should be no issue of flooding or leaks. It’s a pretty ingenious solution, and all those small holes look like they are going to produce a smooth restricted vape.
Very nice.
However, there may still be concerns of leaks or flooding. It all depends on how well they build this, and the tolerances. Anothing thing to consider is the actual available area for your coils. It looks like although this is a 25mm tank, the build area is going to be pretty small.
If you want to give the Geekvape Creed a try, you can get it now from GearBest at about $36.