Basic Escribe Settings for Your DNA Mod


I own so many DNA mods, and I realized that I have never really bothered to tweak anything about them in Escribe. This was because I always thought of Escribe as a developer’s tool, but also because I use Macs and Escribe only works on Windows.

So once day I gathered all my DNA mods, connected them all to Escribe and really tried to figure things out.

The truth is, Escribe can be technical if you want it to be. However, for basic stuff like applying service packs, changing the color of the LED or modifying your theme, it is simple.

As I show you in the video, all you have to do it:

  1. Connect your Evolve DNA mod to your computer using a USB cable
  2. Follow the prompts to install the required drivers
  3. Follow the E-scribe prompts to apply the latest service packs
  4. Rename your device in Escribe or use the default name
  5. Save the current theme or logo, and upload your own logo
  6. Change the wattage increments, screen position and LED color
  7. Upload the modified settings to your vape mod
  8. Disconnect your mod

Apply the service packs can solve all the issues you may have with the Evolve firmware. In my tests, applying the service pack for my DNA75 mods eliminated most of the “weak battery” warnings, and improved the DNA75 performance a lot.

So what are you waiting for?

Connect to Escribe today and do these small little things to get a big improvement in your vape. It’s not as difficult as you might think, and you may actually feel more comfortable venturing into the really technical parts of Escribe later.

Check out also my best DNA mods list to shop for your next awesome mod. I keep this list updated with all the latest DNA mods.

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